GIS Mapping & Property Values

GIS Mapping and Assessment Look Up

Vision Government Solutions is web hosting the Property Record Information. In addition to viewing assessment data and details relating to your property, you can view a GIS map of your property by clicking on the 'Map It' tab.

Hints for searching under the 'Search' tab: by address (# street); by MapBlockLotUnit, use the larger boxes only, leave smaller boxes blank; and remember the '.0' after the Map # and if there is a lot# other than 0, that needs a '.0' too. There is also a 'Street Listing' tab, which will provide a list of all addresses on the street and the corresponding MapBlockLotUnit numbers.

Access your property records online by clicking here.

Property Record Information is also available at the Assessor’s Office, 23 Linden Street. The Assessor’s Office is open Monday – Thursday, from 9 AM – 1 PM. You may ask one our clerks to assist you in obtaining property information and/or maps.



The term “Revaluation” is a process of determining how accurate and uniform the values used to establish property taxes are. It is actually a “Mass Appraisal” of all properties.

A very simple explanation of the process is that it is done through a detailed statistical analysis of “arms length” sales that have occurred within the year prior to the assessment date, which is January 1st of each year. These sales prices are compared to the current assessed values in order to determine the “assessment level”. The premise being that sales are the most accurate measure of “full and fair market value”.

Click here for additional frequently asked questions regarding property values.

Click here for Taxpayer Revaluation Information, presented by Vision Government Solutions.